Lab for optical communications

Room : Building Rašović room 8
Rukovodilac laboratorije : dr Dejan Gvozdić
Contact : dr Jasna Crnjanski
Phone : 011/3218-443
Lab excercies : Optical telecommunications
Optoelectronic communication components
Optoelectronic communication subsystems
Design of active photonic integrated circuits
Design and characterization of passive photonic integrated circuits
Short description of research activities: :

The overview of the scientific activity conducted under the direction of Prof. PhD Dejan Gvozdić, in time period from 2003 to 2013, is given in Photinics and photonic communications group presentation [flash swf, 3.5 MB].

Donatori laboratorije: dr Milan Mašanović, Freedom Photonics, USA
dr Goran Mašanović, Optical Research Center, Southampton, UK