Level: graduate
Status : mandatory
Number of Credits : 6
Semester : V
Teaching methods : 3+2
Professor : dr Dejan Gvozdić
Asistant : dr Marko Krstić
Prerequisites : Fundamentals of Physics 1
Fundamentals of Physics 2
Fundamentals of Physical Electronics
Quantum mechanics
Further extension : Physical Electronics of Solid State
Microelectronics and nanoelectronics
Assessment methods : mid-term exams, final exam
Literatura :
1. Jovan B. Radunović: Statistička fizika sa kinetičkom teorijom u fizičkoj elektronici, Akademska misao, 2013.
2. B.Agarwal, M. Eisner: Satistical Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons, 1988.
3. Y.Klimontovich: Statistical Theory of Open Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.